
Gallo helps US team win in Spain

LEWISTOWN – Mifflin County senior Mara Gallo traded the familiar fields of central Pennsylvania for the sun-soaked pitches of Spain this summer, competing with a U.S. U19 lacrosse squad in Barcelona and Valencia.

The experience thrust her into a whirlwind of international competition, cultural exchange, and personal growth.

The transition from high school competition to the international stage brought new challenges. Gallo faced opponents from the Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom, and Spain – each bringing unique playing styles and strategies to the field.

“It was amazing,” Gallo said of the experience. “I was not ready to come home at all. It was cool to see the different kinds of culture because they play differently than we do.”

One stark difference Gallo noted was the equipment. “They don’t wear goggles usually, and we always wear goggles,” she explained. This cultural quirk led to some on-field adjustments as players from different nations adapted to each other’s norms.

The U.S. team’s first match resulted in a dominant 17-6 victory, with Gallo contributing two goals to the effort. Her performance improved further in the second game, a 14-8 win where she netted three goals and earned unanimous selection as Player of the Game from the coaches.

“I did not think that I performed that game how I should have,” Gallo said, demonstrating a mix of humility and high personal standards. She explained the challenges of the match, including switching goalies between quarters and difficulties scoring on a “shooter tutor” – a training device used in place of a goalkeeper.

Despite her self-critique, Gallo’s impact on the field spoke volumes. Her coach from Mifflin County, Teresa Lamont, who traveled to Spain to support her player, offered insight into Gallo’s approach.

“She’s very good at watching. She’s very good at listening. And she’s very good at applying what she sees,” Lamont said. “And that’s where her success comes from.”

Lamont highlighted Gallo’s ability to adapt to new teammates and coaching styles as a critical factor in her success. “She knew when she went there to stay in her lane and test the waters, be a little humble, look at what’s going on, and find her way in there,” Lamont explained.

This adaptability proved crucial as Gallo navigated the complexities of international play. The U.S. team faced skilled opponents and variations in game format. Gallo described playing “sixes” – a fast-paced, six-player version of the game – and traditional full-field matches.

“It’s really fast-paced, and it’s fun because it’s not, like, slow. You’re always moving,” Gallo said of the sixes format.

Beyond the field, the nine-day trip offered opportunities for cultural immersion and team bonding. Gallo spoke of exploring the host cities, trying local cuisine, and forming close friendships with teammates from across the United States.

“I made this really good group of friends. And they’re from all over,” Gallo said. “We’d meet every night. We’d talk. And then we’d all hang out the next day.”

These off-field experiences complemented the team’s on-field success, fostering a sense of unity among players from diverse backgrounds. Gallo found herself the sole representative from Pennsylvania, playing alongside athletes from Michigan, Wisconsin, Virginia, Ohio, and Massachusetts.

The experience extended beyond the lacrosse field. Gallo embraced the cultural differences and challenges, such as adapting to the Spanish climate and local customs. “It was hot. They don’t have ice cubes over there. You get one ice cube a day, and that’s it,” she said with a laugh. These moments enriched her trip and added depth to her international journey.

The international competition also provided valuable lessons in leadership and communication. Gallo described team activities focused on developing these skills, including reading about and discussing different leadership styles.

“We had these leadership activities. We were reading from a book,” Gallo explained. “They challenged us to be a silent leader or a vocal leader.”

Applying these lessons on the field, Gallo discovered her leadership voice. “Now I know not only can I be a silent leader on the field, but I can also be a vocal leader when I need to,” she said.

As Gallo returns to Mifflin County for her senior season, she brings with her a wealth of international experience and newfound confidence. Her coach sees the potential for this growth to elevate both Gallo’s game and her role within the team.

“We’re going to see a very different demeanor, I think, from her, a different perspective,” Lamont predicted. “She would get frustrated. And learning that, yes, you were the veteran on the team last year, but you can’t do everything for everyone. They won’t learn that way.”

Looking ahead, Gallo is considering her options for collegiate lacrosse while focusing on her senior year at Mifflin County High School. “I’m looking at Juniata, which I just went to a camp there. And I’m also looking at Messiah and Lebanon Valley,” she mentioned.

Academic interests also play a role in her decision-making process, as she intends to pursue a degree in nursing. “Definitely whatever, if they have my major, because I want to go for nursing, so if they have a nursing program and how that will affect my schedule for lacrosse,” she explained.

The support from her community has been instrumental in her journey. Gallo’s church, St. John’s Lutheran, played a significant role in making her trip possible. “My church actually probably paid for my entire trip themselves,” she said. Their encouragement and financial assistance underscore the collective pride in her accomplishments.

As Gallo prepares for her final high school season, a new dynamic awaits her with a change in coaching staff. Lamont announced her retirement, passing the coaching reins to Gallo’s mother, Hillary Worley. “I’m thrilled for Mara to have her mama as her head coach,” Lamont said.

Gallo anticipates this new chapter with enthusiasm. “It’s definitely going to be fun because it’s my senior year,” she said.

With the backing of her community, the guidance of her coaches, and her determination, Gallo stands ready to lead her team through the upcoming season. Her time in Spain has prepared her for new challenges, and her story serves as an inspiration to aspiring athletes in Mifflin County and beyond.

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