
New senior center in Mifflintown opens to many rave reviews

MIFFLINTOWN — From her perch, Beth Harlan keeps one ear to the ground when it comes to listening to what members are saying about the new Four Seasons Senior Community Center in Mifflintown.

Harlan, senior community services supervisor for the Mifflin-Juniata Regional Services Corp. – The Care Network, has heard nothing but rave reviews about the new Juniata County facility.

“It was nice to sit in my office and hear the positive comments about the new center as members walked by checking out the facility,” Harlan said. “Moving to the new location has brought new members to the center that live close by, which is very exciting.”

At times, change can be met with resistance, but seniors seem to be accepting of the Four Seasons.

“The center is coming along well, and the members are adjusting,” Harlan explained. “The members of the Four Seasons Senior Center were glad to be back to the normal center schedule after being off due to the move.”

The numbers for area seniors who showed up was almost encouraging to officials.

“We had 40 participants in attendance on opening day, five of which are brand new to the center,” said Roxie Garrett, direct services supervisor and communications coordinator for the Mifflin-Juniata Regional Services Corp. – The Care Network.

“Thanks to a beautiful renovation project by Crider Mitchell Construction, the space is bright, welcoming, and very open,” Garrett added.

Center officials hope to see new and current center members make the space their own and really embrace all that it has to offer.

“MJRSC – The Care Network is also looking forward to an increased staff presence in Juniata County, thanks to the additional offices that are in this building,” Garrett added.

So far, so good. There was an exercise class on opening day that was full of folks as well as lots of enthusiasm.

“We always welcome new members,” Harlan said.

Four Seasons has a large exercise class that is held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 to 11 a.m.

There’s also future health and wellness classes held at the center with certified instructors. Additionally, other classes include Tai Chi, Healthy Steps in Motion, Healthy Steps for Older Adults, Walk with Ease and more.

“Four Seasons has a monthly calendar full of different programming that is offered to the members,” Harlan added.

Officials said Jody Ehrisman, manager at the Four Seasons Senior Community Center Manager, is always looking for different programming and entertainment.

For more information, visit www.mymjrsc.com.


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