
School threat circulated throughout Pennsylvania

LEWISTOWN — Very early this morning, the Mifflin County School District administration was contacted by Mifflin County Regional Police Department to provide information of a school threat being shared on social media.

This school threat is being circulated throughout Pennsylvania as well as numerous other states across the nation.

MCRPD has been able to confirm receipt of early posts of this school threat and there were no MCSD Schools listed on this school threat.

This is an unsubstantiated threat that has circulated across the United States.

There have been many police departments across the state investigating this school threat that has been circulating last evening and early this morning.

Out of an abundance of caution, the Mifflin County Regional Police Department is arranging to have an increased police presence in all our the MCSD Schools and the Academy today (Friday).

Again, MCPRD has been able to confirm there has been no specific threat made to any MCSD schools or the Academy.


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