
Fisher’s song about Mom to be released by Oak Ridge Boys

Special concert scheduled for Oct. 26 at Ragamuffin Hall

PORT ROYAL — Conrad Fisher certainly has fond memories of his childhood in Lancaster County.

The accomplished singer-songwriter, who now makes his home in Juniata County, thinks back to when he was a child and never realized that in just a few years everything was going to be completely different.

He looks back and wonders where did that time go?

Fisher put pen to paper in that moment and wrote “Mama Sang for Me,” a loving tribute to his mother, Faith Marie Fisher, who used to sing to Fisher and his siblings at bedtime.

“She sang to us every night when we went to sleep,” Fisher recalled.

The song was certainly personal to Fisher, whose first commercial success came with a song called “Living Left to Do” which was number one for four weeks on the bluegrass gospel charts and was performed on the Grand Ole Opry in 2021.

Fisher owns and operates Ragamuffin Hall in McCoysville, where he makes a living as a studio musician, audio engineer and songwriter. In 2020 and 2021, he was named Songwriter of the Year by the Central Pennsylvania Music Hall of Fame. Not bad, right?

Fisher has also released several CDs, too.

But “Mama Sang for Me” might have taken the proverbial icing on the cake for his career to date. It has been picked up by the legendary Oak Ridge Boys and will be released on their 10-track “album, “Mama’s Boys,” on Friday, Oct. 25.

He admits having one of his songs appear on the album of one of country music’s most legendary and iconic bands.

“It’s a pretty big deal,” Fisher laughed. “It’s such a significant milestone for me as a songwriter.”

So much so he has scheduled a special concert at Ragamuffin Hall on Saturday, Oct. 26. Tickets will be available at www.theragamuffinhall.com this week.

In December 2022, Fisher’s publisher asked him if he had any songs about mothers as the Oak Ridge Boys were looking for themed songs for an upcoming album.

At the time, Fisher didn’t have anything. That afternoon, he sat down and wrote, “Mama Sang for Me.” The next day, the song was put on hold as it become a contender to appear on the album.

“I didn’t really have a good song,” Fisher recalled.

But the album, which Fisher assumed would be released by Mother’s Day in 2023, stalled and he didn’t hear anything for some time. This year, Mother’s Day came and went again, and Fisher continued to wonder about his song. “For a year and three-quarters, it’s been on hold,” Fisher said.

Finally, Oak Ridge Boys lead singer Duane Allen contacted Fisher in June and said the song was among those which could appear on the album. Although the news was promising, it was still not a done deal as artists and bands typically record more songs than appear on the final list of tracks.

Fisher shared that colleagues have written songs that were recorded by icon Garth Brooks but have never been released. He feels fortunate that his song made the final cut.

“Just the right song at the right time,” Fisher said. “They are a legacy act; people know who they are, so this cut is a really big deal for me.

“I’ve got a cut that’s going to be on the album of a band that I grew up listening to,” he added. “Everybody knows who the Oak Ridge Boys are.”

Thanks, to Mama.


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