
Beavertown man sentenced to probation for stealing from Midd-West booster club

MIDDLEBURG — A 48-year-old Beavertown man was sentenced on Wednesday to seven years of probation for charges related to the theft of more than $40,000 from the Midd-West Youth Football and Cheer Association, according to a press release issued by Snyder County District Attorney D.A. Heath Brosius on Friday afternoon.

Randy J. Kline, a member of the association, pled guilty to receiving stolen property and access device fraud, both third degree felonies. While a member, Kline was in charge of player equipment purchases for the association.

Over the course of two years, Kline used association funds – from its bank account and debit card – for his personal use and to support his gambling addiction, Brosius said. During that time period, Kline had returned approximately $18,000 in the bank account. Pursuant to an agreement with the Commonwealth, Kline paid the remaining balance of more than $22,000 to the association prior to sentencing.

Brosius acknowledged Kline’s expression of remorse and his gambling addiction, but added that “Mr. Kline is accepting responsibility for his actions and has throughout this process. He will now have two serious convictions on his record which will impact him for the rest of his life.” Kline confessed to committing the crime in June 2023.

Brosius thanked association members for their help in uncovering the theft and the Pennsylvania State Police for their investigation. Brosius added, “As was mentioned by Judge (Michael) Piecuch during the proceeding, this incident should serve as a reminder to all volunteer organizations to always be re-evaluating how your money is being handled.”


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