
Bark in the Park returns to Walker Township Park

Submitted photo
Weavdog and Delilah from last year’s Bark in the Park.

MIFFLINTOWN — Who doesn’t love enjoying a day with their furry friend? Why not bring them out to Walker Township Park, off the Port Royal exit on Saturday, Sept. 21.

Bark in the Park is back again with more than triple the amount of vendors signed up than last year!

From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. participants can shop, eat and enjoy an afternoon with or without a pet as there are plenty of vendors that are not pet related as well as many that are.

Breakfast and lunch will be available for purchase at the concession stands, and the pet parade kicks off at noon. The theme for the parade this year is “down on the farm,” and participants are encouraged to dress their pet in farm-related attire.

Weavdog – a costumed dog – will be back for photos with the kids and pets and he will lead the pet parade.

The event includes a puppy picnic pizza party with homemade treats.

Participants who register on the MADS Doggo Bistro Facebook page can receive a free dessert.

There will also be a “paw print posie station” where an artist will turn dog paw prints into flowers.

“Bark in the Park is a way for people to have a place to come and be able to bring out their dogs to have what I feel is a big play date and where they get lots of cuddles,” said Beth Weaver, event chairwoman.

You do not need to own a dog or a pet of any kind to come to this event, it is open to the public.

There will be several pet related vendors where attendees can purchase treats, crocheted clothing, accessories and more.

This event helps raise money for struggling local rescues. Attendees will have access to donation jars, a chinese auction, a dog trainer on sight, and a pizza party. Those who don’t wish to donate money can bring dog food, cat food, rabbit bedding, horse food, chicken food, and goat food of any brand.

All dogs attending must be up to date on their rabies vaccine and on a leash at this event.

Chinese auction donations will be accepted until 8:30 a.m. the morning of the event.


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