
Xpress Lube to bring personal touch

Sentinel photo by SIERRA BOLGER
(From left) Torrey and Ryan Hildebrand stand before the construction site of their new business.

LEWISTOWN — If you’ve driven in the vicinity of Walmart on U.S. Highway 522 business over the last several weeks, you’ve likely noticed construction wrapping up on what is soon to be a Chevron Xpress Lube.

Brothers Torrey and Ryan Hildebrand say they’re in the home stretch of construction of the business, located at 10344 US 522 South.

The Hildebrand’s expect to be ready for business by May or June of this year.

The business will offer express oil changes in 15 minutes or less, as well as top off other fluids and add air to tires as necessary. There will also be an express automatic car wash, similar to their other business — Time to Shine Car Wash, located in the same area.

“We want our customers to know that when they stop, they will get an oil change. We will not be a full service station looking to upsell you on tires, brakes, timing belts, etc. Just oil changes,” said Ryan Hildebrand. “This is similar to our car washes. You know when you pull in the lot you want to get a car wash and you want to keep it simple. Same deal here, you need an oil change? No appointment needed, we’ll get you in and get you back on the road.”

Ryan said the business is family-owned, but will strive to bring “big-city convenience,” by working with local vendors and hiring local employees.

“This is not a franchise as most would consider. This gives us flexibility that other options in this field cannot offer,” Ryan added.

The Hildebrand brothers are looking to hire six to seven individuals to hire and will be looking into obtaining resumes in the next couple months. Information on where to send resumes will be available soon on social media..

Anticipated hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday.


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