
Learn about comprehensive planning in Pa.

UNIVERSITY PARK — Penn State Extension is hosting a free webinar designed to help the public, landowners, business owners, local municipal officials and planning commissioners understand the importance of comprehensive planning.

“Comprehensive Plans in Pennsylvania: What Are They and Why Do They Matter?” will occur from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, and will be repeated from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24.

In Pennsylvania, local and county governments have the authority to create and implement comprehensive plans — a tool for guiding decision-making on transportation, land use, housing and other factors that impact residents’ quality of life. These plans serve as official public documents, outlining a community’s physical development goals and providing a vision for elected officials, planning commissions, and other public and private entities.

Organizers noted that developing a plan should not be a one-time project; it should be updated periodically in response to community changes.

Participants can learn why comprehensive planning is vital for communities, what a comprehensive plan entails, and the roles of municipal authorities, the public and other stakeholders in its development.

The session will cover:

• The components of a comprehensive plan.

• The role of planning agencies in developing these plans.

• The benefits of adopting a comprehensive plan.

• How the public can influence the planning process.

Attendees can engage with experts and learn how comprehensive plans can shape their community’s future. A comprehensive plan provides context and direction for land-use ordinances and regulations, promoting thoughtful and effective development, presenters said.

Penn State Extension offers this program free of charge, but pre-registration is required. To register, visit the Penn State Extension website.

For more information, contact Peter Wulfhorst at (570) 296-3400 or by email at ptw3@psu.edu.


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