
4-H members compete at Junior Horse and Dressage Championship Shows

CENTRE HALL — The 10th annual Pennsylvania State 4-H Junior Horse Championship and 4th annual Pennsylvania State 4-H Dressage Championship Shows were held July 20-21 at the Centre County Grange Fairgrounds in Centre Hall. More than 130 4-H members from across Pennsylvania exhibited horses in performance, dressage and in hand classes for the weekend.

The Junior Horse Championship Show is the premier competition of the year for most 4-H horse members enrolled in junior horse projects. Events include breed conformation and futurity classes for yearling to five-year-old horses, as well as barrel and driving futurities. In-Hand Trail and Performance Skills classes were also part of the Junior Horse Show. Results from the show are available on the Pennsylvania 4-H Horse Program website.

All exhibitors competed at a preliminary level in each class for a merit placing. At this level, each entry was evaluated against a standard of excellence and received a blue, red or yellow merit placing. Blue merit placings then advanced to a championship class, where they competed against all blue merit winners in their division. Winners of all championship classes were awarded a neck sash and a Junior Horse Championship Show jacket. Winners of all In Hand championship classes then advanced to compete for Grand Champion honors. Sylvia Decker of Mifflin County was named Champion Master Showman which was awarded to the top exhibitor in the Master Showman championship class. Sylvia received a custom grooming tray and grooming items.

The Dressage Championship Show saw another great year. Dressage is derived from the French term meaning “training” and its purpose is to strengthen and supple the horse while maintaining a calm and attentive demeanor. Dressage involves progressively difficult levels incorporating multiple tests within each level. Each test is a series of movements that must be performed by the horse and rider. Each movement is scored by a judge on a scale of 0-10. A classical dressage division was offered as well as a western dressage division.

Sunday’s Dressage championship classes reflected great rides and scores with the high point score for the weekend going to Machaela Knelly and Odds In My Favor from Columbia County. Machaela received a custom embroidered cooler for receiving the highest score for the weekend. Thank you to L&M Embroidery for your beautiful work on the cooler.

An equine skillathon was available for youth to participate in over the weekend and over 20 youth put their equine science knowledge to the test. First and second place in both the senior and junior divisions received awards. Emily Antoun from York County took first place and Anastasia Heffley from Perry County was second in the junior division. In the senior division, Konstantina Crull from Blair County took home first and Paylin Little from Centre County was second.

A ground roping competition was added this year for youth to try their skills at roping during the show. In the 14-18-year-old division, Hialeah Stanton was the champion and Reed Messer was the reserve champion. In the 11-13-year-old division, Wyatt Long was the champion and Madison Reed was the reserve champion. The 8-10-year-old champion was Bailey Cassell. All champions and reserve champions received banners and both champions received their own rope.

In its second year, the Team Challenge again tested youth working as a team. This new opportunity was developed to provide an additional opportunity for youth to participate as team members, with an adult supervisor. The teams were formed prior to the show weekend, to represent their district at the PA Junior Horse and Dressage Championship Show(s). Teams were comprised of youth from either the same county or district and included both horse and horseless members, who are eligible and able to attend the shows. Points were totaled from the various events and classes that the members participated in. This year’s first place team was the Montgomery County 4-Hers from District 1. Team members include Ella Crist, Olivia Mather, Catherine Heayn, Peyton Jones and Isabella Mullen, led by coach Barbara Mullen. The second-place team was the Spice Girls from Elk and Warren counties in District 8 with team members, Helayna Hollobaugh, Olivia Meyer, Anna Peterson, Dannilyn Geitner, Rhianna Pennfield and Hialeah Stanton led by coach Brandy Hollobaugh.

A huge thank you to the large number of volunteers, including Team Horse Power members who volunteered throughout the weekend to make this event a success.

There are many opportunities for youth participating in 4-H horse projects in Pennsylvania. Programs are designed to develop life skills in youth and knowledge of horse production, use, and management.

For additional information on 4-H horse programs in Pennsylvania, contact your county Penn State Cooperative Extension office at extension.psu.edu/counties or visit the Pennsylvania 4-H Horse Program web site at https://extension.psu.edu/programs/4-h/opportunities/projects/animal-science/horse.


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